Design of timber structures

Design of timber structure Volume 1-3 fills a long-standing gap within the Swedish field of timber engineering. The books are mainly produced for active structural engineers and for students at technical universities and institutes of higher education in Sweden. Researchers, architects, students of lower technical education and people with a general interest in learning how to design timber structures or just increase their knowledge of the building material timber, could benefit from parts of the content. The books are also available in Swedish with the title Dimensionering av träkonstruktioner Del 1-3.

Here you can read and order Design of timber structures Volume 1-3

Design of timber structures Volume 1
Structural aspects of timber construction. The book has been produced in order to ease the design work for structural engineers dealing with timber structures and is adapted to Eurocodes as well as to Swedish application rules EKS 9 (BFS 2013:10). It is a revised version of Design of timber structures first published in 2011. 316 pages, format A4.

Design of timber structures Volume 2
Rules and formulas according to Eurocode 5 and EKS 9 (BFS 2013:10) including material properties. This book is intended to be used together with the books Design of timber structures Volume 1 and 3.
64 pages, format A4.

Design of timber structures Volume 3
14 calculated practical examples with solutions. This book is intended to be used together with the books Design of timber structures Volume 1 and 2.
64 pages, format A4.

Find Design of timber structures Volume 1-3 as pdf here

The digital version is updated to EKS 10 (BFS 2015:6).

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Please note that the books can be purchased separately or as a set.

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