Sawn timber range

Builders’ merchants carry a wide range of timber in many dimensions and grades. The current market is dominated by planed dimensions.

The dimensions and profiles presented on the following pages follow the standards SS 232812 (wood trim) and SS 232813 (tongue & groove boards), plus the Swedish industry’s common VilmaBas range, In addition to these, builders’ merchants may have other dimensions and specialist profiles.

The dimensions are stated in millimetres, thickness (A) × width (B).

Tongue & groove boards and profiled mouldings are described in retail using the “total width” (B). In the Swedish standard, such goods are instead referred to using the “coverage width” (C). Sheathing described by retailers as 23 x 95 mm is thus listed as 23 x 85 mm in the Swedish standard.

For coverage widths and amounts for sawn, planed and tongue & groove timber, see table 47.

Profiled boards may have grooves on the reverse to limit dimensional changes. This applies in particular to interior cladding.

Tongue & groove boards, e.g. sheathing or internal cladding, may be profiled on four sides, with a tongue or groove along both the long edges and the short edges.

Profiled boards are generally named according to the way the boards are joined and their appearance. Terms used to describe the appearance of profiled boards include rebate, tongue, groove, bevel and double bevel.