About wood

Wood is historically our most important construction material by far. It retained its importance throughout the 20th century, but its use has been confined to smaller buildings, due to building regulations and strong advances by alternative construction materials. Now as we continue into the 21st century and strive to create a society that is sustainable in the long term, demand for wood-based products is picking up once again in all construction projects. This eco-awareness is reflected in an architectural renaissance for all types of buildings, public and private, both inside and out.

Wood is historically our most important construction material by far.


The content of this edition has been reworked to incorporate the much broader use of wood in larger buildings and structures nowadays, and the technical, economic and environmental advantages that arise out of today’s values and regulatory framework. We have also taken account of the fact that the publication is used extensively for educational purposes and is reaching ever more target groups.

We hope this edition will also be of use to everyone who is interested in issues of community planning. The primary target group remains the wood and construction sector, but we are pleased to note the publication’s broad appeal to private individuals and students.