Unexpected space among the rocks

Pavilion in Skärhamn, Sweden by Room Without A Cause

A soft, warm statement in the middle of the cold, hard and rocky Bohuslän landscape – this was the outcome when a group of young architects and artists, in partnership with Tjörn Municipality, built a wooden pavilion next to the Nordic Watercolour Museum in Skärhamn.

The pavilion comprises 14 frames resting on two longitudinal glulam beams. The frames vary in width and height, which gives the space its curvature. The structure is held together with threaded rods and nuts and tied with four beams that run through the top of the frames. The beams begin and end in the two narrow openings that form a kind of entrance on each side.

The spruce pavilion, measuring 6 metres in length and 4.1 metres in height, has a frame of construction timber that has been left entirely untreated. The whole build was completed in six days.

Now the pavilion has been moved to a temporary winter site. The hope is that by spring it will have a permanent home, as well as a roof and walls.

Read more roomwithoutacause.se

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