Flexible outdoor living

Nolla Cabin in Helsinki, Finland by Robin Falck

Last summer, on the little island of Vallisaari a short boat ride from Helsinki, people were able to get a taste of camping without losing out on the creature comforts. Robin Falck’s 10 square metre building is shaped like a tent, and its name ‘Nolla’, meaning zero, comes from the minimal ecological footprint of the structure.

The building has an A-shaped frame of construction timber and spruce plywood. The supporting trusses can be adjusted according to the substrate and terrain, and the roof is mirrored to melt even more into the surroundings. A key aspect of the design process has been to show that it is possible to find simple but sustainable solutions for everyday life.

The structure has been put together using wood screws so it is easy to assemble and disassemble, all as part of its sustainable ecocycle. The idea is that it can be reused and new people and places can give it a whole new lease of life. The design is consciously simple, so that anyone might be inspired to build something similar from scratch – all you need is some wood.

Read more robinfalck.com

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