The world’s biggest showroom for wood construction

Chronicle by Anna Tenje

Växjö’s environmental and climate work is well known, both at home and abroad. The focus of the strategic environmental work is mainly on reducing emissions of fossil carbon dioxide. Our motto, Europe’s greenest city, is about seeing every green initiative as part of a bigger picture, and Växjö’s emphasis on building in wood is part of that.

We see wood as a natural construction material and we have a long tradition of small-scale projects in wood. However, technical advances in this area are paving the way for traditional Småland housebuilders to step up a gear and move into new markets and industrial production of wooden buildings.

Creating a modern and efficient system for industrial wood construction and improving technical know-how requires collaboration. The strength of Växjö’s wood construction lies in the partnership between the municipality, business and research. Linnaeus University’s leading expertise in forestry, wood and construction helps. Research is focused increasingly on the role of the whole construction process from a climate perspective, and wood is well known for being one of the few renewable building materials.

The partnership began in the early 1990s and increased in 2008 when a specific geographical area of around 25 hectares, Vällebroar, was singled out for development solely in wood. Since then, the majority of building projects have been completed here and form the basis for Växjö’s status as a modern city of wood.

In Växjö we dare to push the boundaries! We embrace new technologies, stimulate the development of construction techniques and industrial production, test construction systems and gather experience – all at a dizzying pace. What was experimental then is now a conventional, tried and tested technology. Vällebroar has many examples of modern wood construction, in the form of housing and offices, but also other structures.

Växjö has a leading position and broad expertise in the field of wood construction. Underpinning this is a clear, goal-oriented wood construction strategy, a good partnership with the market’s key players and a consistent approach. The municipal property companies are influencing sustainable urban development both directly and indirectly. As a landowner, Växjö Municipality can set requirements concerning the nature of any development. Using our own resources increases the opportunity to add value and drive forward sustainable urban development.

Växjö is leading the way!

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