Glass and wood create a new landmark

City hall and station in Växjö, Sweden by White arkitekter

A unanimous jury chose White’s proposal for a new city hall and station building in Växjö, ‘Under one roof’, as the winner. The 14,000 square metre building in wood will change the Växjö skyline. The way the glazed façade slopes inwards from the second floor up gives it a strong character. The large expanses of glass reinforce the sense that this is a wooden building, a vertical space for all.

“Växjö’s identity is reflected in our material choices, glass and wood, and in the smart and sustainable technical solutions. Our aim has been to create a building at the leading edge of developments in sustainable building and to achieve the highest Swedish environmental classification. This project places people front and centre, and the building will be socially, economically and ecologically sustainable over time,” says Klara Frosterud, lead architect at White.

Växjö markets itself as Europe’s greenest city, and when the new building is completed in 2019, it will be a new landmark for the city, living up to the requirements and intentions for a sustainable future. The wooden structure was developed with structural engineer Florian Kosche.

Read more at White arkitekter

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