Writers’ cabin instead of sea

Writers' cabin in Oslo, Norway by Jarmund Vigsnæs

NO OPEN SEA – just views of a car park and a train station. The hard-working couple in Oslo both longed for the rugged west coast of Norway. But rather than moving, they invested in a ‘cabin’ in the garden. The task of designing the writers’ cabin was assigned to architectural practice Jarmund Vigsnæs.

The little pavilion is positioned on a north slope covered by low bushes, giving the couple a peaceful retreat in which to write and work, separate from the home but with all the home comforts in easy reach. The floorspace of a modest 15 square metres is spread over a ground floor and a loft that provides views over the neighbour’s hedge. Here the couple can stretch out on a sheepskin fleece each and dream of the sea.

The façade is spruce, painted with a high-gloss black oil paint of a type usually reserved for wooden boats.«

w| jva.no

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