A play loft in a small space

House Nord in Mitaka, Japan by Kurosaki Satoshi

ARCHITECTURAL SUPERSTAR ALVAR Aalto inspired this family home in Mitaka, a new suburb of Tokyo. And that’s why it was named North.

The interior is dominated by wood: solid birch on the floors, simple plywood with a peeled top veneer on the walls and a ceiling that is defined by the open beams made from SPF (Spruce, Pine, Fir).

The minimal living area – just 50 square metres – is spread over three floors: bedrooms, kitchen and bathroom on the two lower floors, with the loft set aside as a play area for the two daughters. The open spaces at floor level give the feel of a treehouse. Far away from Scandinavian safety regulations, the architects left the loft without a railing. The only protection is a simple steel structure hanging from the ceiling.«

w| kurosakisatoshi.com

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