»Knowledge is turning more people onto wood«

Trä meets Marie Johansson

Marie Johansson is Professor of Structural Engineering at Linnaeus University in Växjö, Sweden. She spends much of her time finding solutions for the transition to a bio-based economy.

What does that entail?
“I work in the field of BioInnovation with responsibility for the area of construction and design. This means I work with researchers, the construction industry, property owners, architects and structural engineers to find solutions for a switch to sustainable building.”

What are the key issues for 2015?
“There’s a need to improve the business models and processes for building in wood. We already have several highly successful construction systems, but what is the best way to sell them? What form does the optimum process – from drawing board to moving in – actually take? In addition, shorter lead times will probably result in lower prices for building in wood.”

How can architects and structural engineers contribute to a bio-based economy?
“It requires a greater focus on these issues in the education system. The more knowledge architects and structural engineers have, the more likely they are to consider wood right from the drawing board. I hope it will become natural for architects to go to the factory and ask: If I want to build something like this, how would the production work?”

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