“Work more closely with the forest industry”

Trä meets Annika Nordin

Annika Nordin, Professor of Forest Echophysiology at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), is one of authors behind the new book on forestry “Som man ropar i skogen”.

Why should structural engineers and architects read this book?
“It’s important to understand the debate about the forest. The question of how we use the forest, now and in the future, is causing lively discussion. Those who use the forest should be more involved.”

What can structural engineers and architects bring to the debate?
“They use wood in one of the most sustainable ways. They should be explaining what properties they want the wood to have, for it to be of most use to them. If they work more closely with the forest industry, they can share their wishes directly with those who manage the forests.”

How might greater knowledge of forestry and material properties affect Swedish architecture, functionally and visually?
“I believe there are opportunities to use woods other than the most common species on a larger scale than is currently the case. Perhaps we can take a little inspiration from Finland? I think they have several examples of public buildings that make innovative use of wood. Here in Umeå the new train station, Umeå East, was a pleasant surprise and a move in the right direction.”

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