Timbered idyll

Vacation houses in Timrarö, Sweden by Sandell Sandberg

IN 2012, EIGHT holiday homes were erected on the island of Timrarö in the Stockholm archipelago, north of Vaxholm. The island, which measures around 1 x 1.5 kilometres, rises 48 metres above sea level and offers a varied terrain of rocks and trees. The houses are built from locally felled pine and placed on stilts to make the least possible impact on nature.

The stilts are anchored into the rock below, which is primarily an intensely red granite. The houses have a floor plan of 115 square metres, with interiors that are bathed in light thanks to the raised position and large windows. Each building has a large roof terrace above the kitchen and living room, where holidaymakers can enjoy views of the sea and the landscape that is so typical of the inner archipelago.«

w| www.sandellsandberg.se

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