»I choose wood where it is exposed to our human senses.«

Trä meets

The planned extension to the Stockholm art gallery Liljevalchs Konsthall may be a work by the internationally renowned architect Kengo Kuma. His firm Kengo Kuma & Associates is involved in one of the teams competing for the job.

When do you choose to use wood?
“We choose wood whenever the material is available and we like to use it in spaces where the surfaces are solid and where they are exposed to our human senses.”

What is the difference between European and Japanese wooden architecture?
“The biggest difference comes from the size of the trees. It used to be that only small trees were available in Japan. This has resulted in a refined joinery technique developing in the country.”

Will wood be used for the Liljevalchs extension, if you win the competition?
“We’ve just started researching and analysing the project, so no decisions have been made as yet. But it would be great to use local wood.”

What is your view on the increasing move towards prefabrication in the wood manufacturing industry?

“I believe fully exploring the technique could open up a host of new opportunities. There has long been a tradition in Japan of ensuring that wooden structures can be disassembled and reassembled without damaging the material. This has been achieved using complex joinery techniques that require no mechanical fixings. If prefabrication can learn from such ancient wisdom, the future could be very interesting indeed.”

Personalities that trä has met