The F-Chair

In recent years, Swedish Wood has supported the creation of stylish and practical furniture made of sustainable Swedish pine, furniture that meets the demand of Chinese consumers.

This year at East Design Show, Swedish Wood will exhibit a number of furniture in Swedish pine designed and made by Swedish and Chinese designers. It will be a feast of Swedish furniture design and a celebration of Swedish pine, strengthening the prosperous relationship between Sweden and China.

The following designers have found inspiration in the meeting between East and West, establishing cultural exchange in the shape of design and business.

Karl Ingberg Sundsgård & José Manuel Montoya Pujol have made The F-chair.

Karl Ingberg Sundsgård and José Manuel Montoya Pujol share two passions: one for design and carpentry, and one for food.

As eating is one of the most important activities in different cultures around the world, the designers wanted to create something to facilitate the eating experience. Their F-chair in Swedish pine helps bringing people together to enjoy a meal.