Villa Karlsson

Type of building: Single family house
Number of floors: 2
Where: Västerås
Constructed area: 206
Completed: 2003
Architect: Tham Videgård Hansson Arkitekter AB through Martin Videgård
Hansson and Bolle Tham
Entrepreneur: Byggessen AB through Thomas Sahlin
Developer: Björn and Berit Karlsson

This villa brings a welcome injection of joy to its surroundings. The home’s almost archetypal form, the choice of wood for the façade and roof, and the Falu red paint are clearly rooted in the Swedish building tradition. The interior surprises with high, transverse light shafts, but it lacks the conceptual strength of the building’s exterior. However, the far from traditional window placement in the façade and roof, playful sun screens and non-existent eaves lend the building a self-assured and personal feel.