Karlstad Market Conference 2018

The annual Karlstad Market Conference returns on November 21 - 22, 2018. Seminars, debates and announcement of the Knights of the Order of the Wood Market.


During the wooden market in Karlstad, Swedish Wood has booked a room free to use for B2B meetings on 21 and 22 November. The room is called “Handelskammaren” and you will find it on floor 1 at Stadshotellet in Karlstad. No booking required.

Wednesday 21 November

  • Exhibition
  • B2B meeting room in "Handelskammaren"


Thursday 22 November

10:00 – 11:30 Nordic builders’ merchants – Swedish sawmills’ key customer segment (in Swedish)

Why digitalise in the value chain?
Christer Green, Project Manager, Christer Green Affärsutveckling AB

Builders’ merchants from a Nordic perspective
Christer Kollberg, Group Sourcing Director, Stark Group Sourcing

Swedish and Danish market
Fredrik Gustavson, Sales Director, Södra Wood Scandinavia

Swedish and Norwegian market
Alexander Åhréus, Sales Director, NWP Sales

Panel debate: Future trends and markets

14:00 – 16:45 Wood market, trends and development (in English)

Welcome to the market section
Mikael Eliasson, Director, Swedish Wood

China’s strategy for national renaissance, the new Silk Road and consequences for Europe
Ola Wong, Journalist and China expert

China from a market perspective
Mathias FridholmSCA Wood

Experiences of building a new market
Suzan Ljungemo, International Sales Director, Moelven Timber

Short break for refreshments

Geopolitical developments in North Africa and the Middle East
Erik Belfrage, Region Manager, Maghreb and West Africa, Business Sweden

Market trends in MENA, is Sweden still a market leader?
Ulf Gabrielsson, CEO, UNI4 Marketing AB

Trump, tariffs and pines under attack. Analysis of North America
Magnus Niklasson, Wood Market Analyst, Swedish Forest Industries Federation

Outlook for the European Sawmill Industry
Sampsa Auvinen, Chairman, European Organisation of the Sawmill Industry (EOS)

Panel debate: Trends and developments in the wood industry’s market 
Speakers plus Claes Andersson, CEO, JG Andersson AB and Nick Boulton, Technical Director, Timber Trade Federation (TFF) 

Announcement of the Knights of the Order of the Wood Market

17:00 Wood Market networking mingle

The seminar is free and no notification required. Welcome!